
Tools to create your own colors
The ColorSync method, which makes color images easy to understand, and the 34 color variations classified by the method.
The mixing with mediums expands the possibilities of color to an infinite number of colors.
Color Sync Method
Perfetto Color's original classification method, based on color theory and arranged by organizing color information.
30 original colors divided into 5 types
A wide range of colors from subtle shades to vivid colors and gray hair colors.
Four levels of achromatic medium.
The achromatic color offers infinite possibilities when combined with the original color.
Original Color
The most distinctive feature of the original color lineup is the wide variety of colors. The 30-color lineup is divided into five types. The color variation can be used for a wide range of purposes, from vivid colors to nuanced colors, and even for covering gray hair.

original color
Hair dye, 30 colors, 150g
Medium is an item for changing the type of the original color, which consists of four types of achromatic colors. Mixing with the original color expands the color variation infinitely. It can also be used independently.

Hair dye, 4 colors, 150g
- Counseling with customers
- color selection
- Shampoo & towel dry
- Perfet color application
Hair nail polish is difficult to remove if it gets on the skin, so it is applied to avoid getting it on the skin as much as possible. - Wrap and heat (approx. 45°, at least 10 minutes)
- Remove plastic wrap and cool (at least 5 minutes)
- shampoo
- finishing
What isVegan / PeTA ?
It is the principle of not using any products of animal origin for a variety of reasons, including mental and physical health, beauty, animal welfare, and environmental protection. Worldwide, Vegan and PeTA have become the standard of choice among vegetarians and health-conscious people who prefer organic and natural products.
What is H ALAL ?
A sign that a food, product or service is in accordance with the precepts of Islam. It is a sign of health, cleanliness, safety, and high quality, and is the choice of not only Muslims but also of those who support healthy lifestyles around the world.
- Be sure to read the instructions carefully and use the product correctly.
- Always perform a skin allergy test (patch test) before each use of hair dye.
For details, please refer to the explanation page of the Japan Hair Color Manufacturers Association. - Do not use if you have ever had a hair dye rash.
*The figures for each level are provided as a guide for expression.